Our Mission: Through outreach, education and collaboration, DVCP works to create a supportive community where all youth thrive and feel empowered.
What We Do

Our commitment is to empower youth to be leaders in their schools and community. We offer a variety of programs for youth, work on raising community awareness of alcohol, tobacco & other drug issues, work on community & school policies to prevent youth substance use, offer educational programs to parents, school staff & local retailers, and offer support to youth & families facing substance abuse issues.
Who We Are

We are a group of adult and youth volunteers who meet quarterly. This group includes youth, teachers, police officers, parents, business owners, civic group representatives, health care representatives, and other concerned community members who recognize that the damages of drugs, alcohol abuse, and tobacco affect us all and we work together to foster a healthy and safe community.

Kids are surrounded by pressures and influences. Make sure you are armed with the latest and most accurate information so you can be the best influence possible. Call for more resources 802-464-220.
News & Upcoming Events
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What we hope to accomplish:
✓ Increase the number of young adults, middle and high school students who are involved in healthy, drug free activities.
✓ Increase knowledge of harmful effects of drugs & alcohol.
✓ Raise community awareness of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs with a focus on the importance of delaying first use.
✓ Increase family engagement and partnerships.
✓ Increase the number of parents and adults participating in activities and conversations with young people that promote health.