Make sure you are ready with the latest and most accurate information so you can be the best influence possible. Resources are available at the DVCP Office.

resources for parents
Parent’s Resources
- Parent Up
- Preventing Youth Substance Misuse and Building Protective Factors
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Coping and Connecting
- The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
- Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets
- Parent Resource Library at Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
- Keeping Youth Mentally Healthy & Drug Free: Parents and Families (SAMHSA)
- Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator: Lists treatment programs in every state
resources for teens
Teen’s Resources
- Coping and Connecting Resources
- Free resources and information for students: Above The Influence (ATI)
- TRUTH Campaign: Games, desktop patterns, postcards and other fun stuff with the TRUTH messages about tobacco.

about drugs
Resources About Drugs