What We Do

DVCP meets quarterly at the Old School Enrichment Center (OSEC) on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month from 5:30-7:30pm.
Meetings include a catered dinner, the hearing of reports on recent activities, committee work, brainstorming new ideas, and educational presentations.
Youth Empowerment
School Based Education and Support
Community Education and Family Support
Tobacco/ Nicotine Prevention and Cessation
Choose Snow!
Choose Snow! is sponsored by the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership (DVCP) as a program designed to inspire healthy lifestyle choices. We thank Mount Snow for their support and incredible donation of season passes to DVCP for this program!
Further details can be found at choosesnow.com
Questions would be addressed by emailing DVCP staff at: info@dvcp.org or calling 802-464-2202.

Let’s Talk
Get in touch
Program coordinator
Cindy Hayford
T: 802-464-2202
E: info@dvcp.org
Mailing address
Deerfield Valley Community Partnership
1 School Street
Wilmington, VT 05363